The weather in India is one of the main factors to consider before you travel.
In general, most of India has a monsoonal climate, which is caused by periodic winds directed to the southwest in summer and northeast in winter.
The onset of monsoon in India typically commences around May 25th, with its arrival at the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal, followed by its progress towards the mainland. By June 1st, monsoon hits the Malabar coast in Kerala, and by June 9th, it advances towards Mumbai. Finally, by June 29th, Delhi experiences monsoon showers. Gradually, by the first week of July, the monsoon covers the entire country. The withdrawal of monsoon clouds from North India commences towards the end of August, while Mumbai witnesses their departure by October 5th. As September progresses, temperatures decrease, causing a weakening of the southwest monsoon, which ultimately withdraws from the country by the end of November.
Typically, the months of October and November experience arid conditions in the northwest region, whereas Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states observe a bulk of their yearly precipitation. The monsoon period starts to dwindle from the beginning of October.Although the rainy season comes to an end, there may still be severe storms and precipitation at times due to cyclones originating from the Bay of Bengal. At this time, rapid flowering of plants begins.