Experience the rich cultural legacy of Uzbekistan as you delve into its captivating heritage. Embark on an exhilarating journey through the Tien Shan mountains, traversing the ancient trails of the Silk Road on horseback. This unparalleled adventure promises an abundance of unforgettable sensations, offering a truly one-of-a-kind encounter. Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of Uzbekistan's natural landscapes and marvel at the architectural wonders that line the historic Silk Road.
The current price is displayed if you travel with a 10 people group. If the group is less than 10 participants, the price pp is as follows: 9 pax 1715 $USD, 8 pax 1775 $USD, 7 pax 1850 $USD, 6 pax 1945 $USD, 5 pax 2035 $USD, 4 pax 2240 $USD, 3 pax 2575 $USD, 2 pax 2760 $USD.