Wild Tusheti Trail

5.0 (7)
13 days 12 nights
Photo Audrey B.
Audrey B.
Tour Provider
View Audrey’s tours
Weight limit

This horseback trekking in the heart of National Park will give you a great experience! 

Explore the Georgian Caucasus mountains and get to know the Tush way of life and cultural features. Enjoy the atmosphere of authentic village of Gogrulta, which is not reachable by car. 

We will ride over passes lying around 3000 m, discover the wild area with outstanding sceneries and probably meet the last half nomads. Adventures in Caucasus mountains are awaiting you!

per tourist for 13 days
Departing from
Tbilisi, ubani Dzveli Tbilisi
Available dates
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Number of individuals
Only in the Horse Tours Club
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    Local prices – no extra fees
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Photo Audrey B.
Audrey B. is the provider of this trip
The provider speaks: English, German
I am French and originally from the hinterland of Nice. Since my Caucasian wanderings in 2003, I have been passionate about the mountain ethnic groups of these little-known regions and more particularly that of the Tush, the last semi-nomads of Georgia. Adventurous and organized, I know well all the routes, manage all the expeditions and am your guide. I speak French, English, German, Georgian, a tad of Russian and Spanish.

The tour guides you'll probably meet as well

Photo Audrey
Audrey is French and originally from the South Alp. Having a wanderlust she has explored some of the more isolated regions of our planet crossing on foot or horseback the mountains chain of Papua, Pamir Kyrgyz, the Carpates, a part of the Andes, the Caucasus. She also trekked through Mongolia, Patagonia and a few islands lost in the archipelago of Maluku and Celebes, Philippines, Lofoten or Australes Islands; she is equally at home in the Jordanian desert, by the Euphrates in Syria, in the fjords of New Zealand. She spent several weeks canoeing on the Amazonian rivers in French Guyana or Surinam. In between trips she worked 3 years in South America as a space engineer and then in Germany. Since then, passionate about ethnic Caucasians and the history of the Tush people, the last semi-nomads of Georgia, she decided to move to Tusheti, in the Caucasus, where she and Gia founded her company. After a break she started again her activities from spring 2017 with some pioneering expeditions and self sufficient treks extended to the whole Southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains. She recognized each itinerary she offers from Azerbaijan to Abkhazia. She guides you through amazing, remote and very secluded places, plenty of beauties with historical and ethnical interests. She also starts a trainee to become an equestrian shiatsu practitioner. She is also getting the degrees of the horsemanship diploma (La Cense method).
Photo Mathilde
Mathilde was born in the French Alps. She is an alpinist, a paraglider pilot, a ski rescuer as well as an incredible rider from her younger time. She graduated degree in Shiatsu for horses and has high competencies in hoof trimming.

Tour highlights

Very impressive Horseback Expedition
Ride over 3200m high passes and high plateaus, cross deep valleys, rivers and beautiful hanging villages, meet the last half semi nomadic people
Tusheti Life Nature and Culture Immersion
A total immersion in the nature and in the Tush people life style
Georgian History
You will visit historical sights in Georgian cities

Route details

Day 1

Arrival in Tbilisi.

Transfer to your hotel 3/4*.

Riding: No riding.

Overnight: hotel.

Day 2
Tbilisi – Kakheti – Laliskhuri
Day 3
Laliskhuri – Tusheti
Day 4
Day 5
Gogrulta – Pass to Gometsari Valley
Day 6
Gometsari – Zovata
Day 7
Zovata – AZ Valley
Day 8
AZ Valley – Saidumlo
Day 9
Saidumlo – Pirikiti Valley
Day 10
Pirikiti Valley – Gogrulta
Day 11
Gogrulta – Laliskhuri
Day 12
Laliskhuri – Tbilisi
Day 13
Does not require physical training but involves moderate physical activity
Tour provider's comments

To participate, you must have an intermediate level of horse riding experience and be comfortable in all gaits. While there are some chances to trot and canter, the speed is generally slow. Additionally, you must be physically prepared for extended periods of riding and be able to guide your horse through challenging areas by dismounting and leading them. During the trail we galop, canter and trot but be aware that they are not race horses. Riders considering this trail must have a good level of physical fitness and general good health.

The conditions (facilities, accommodation) are rather challenging.



5 nights
2 nights
Guest House
5 nights

We will spend the nights in:

  • traditional house (Gogrulta);
  • guesthouse (Laliskhuri);
  • double tent (VAUDE), 2 per tent + big tent (on the way);
  • hotel 3* (Tbilisi). The accommodation for this hotel will be in double or triple room (2/3 persons per room) with breakfast. For people who are willing to have a single room, there is an extra charge (40 euros/night).
5 nights

During the majority of your trip, you will be staying in two-person tents. It is essential to bring your own sleeping bag and Thermarest pad. In case of unfavorable weather, there is a communal dining tent available. There will be water provided for washing hands and faces, but no shower or toilet facilities.

2 nights
3/4* Hotel
2 nights
Guesthouse in Laliskhuri
3 nights
Traditional House in Gogrulta

Tickets to group meeting place

Group meeting place
Tbilisi, ubani Dzveli Tbilisi
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Weather during the tour

Weather conditions along the route
You will get a weather forecast for this tour’s route based on
  • the forecasts for this season
  • the statistics from previous years’ trips

Tour conditions


  • accommodation (including tents);
  • all meals;
  • table wine and tchatcha during the trail;
  • riding;
  • logistics vehicle;
  • cook;
  • guides;
  • set-time airport car transfers in private cars (Mercedes mini bus and 4WD).


  • flights;
  • insurance;
  • transfers outside of set times;
  • sleeping bag and camping mattress;
  • alcoholic drinks in restaurants on first/last nights;
  • all entry fees during your free time;
  • tips and other personal expenses.

Group size

up to 8 tourists


13 days
12 nights

It's important to know

Personal equipment you need for the tour
  • personal medicine;
  • hut and glasses and sun cream;
  • hard hats;
  • raining clothes (pants and jacket);
  • warm jacket;
  • small flash light or torch;
  • wet wipes;
  • small knife;
  • good trekking shoes are required (NO RIDING BOOTS, ONLY TREKKING SHOES);
  • water filter or purification pills (actually you need neither purification pills nor water filter as the water is very clean in this area, but we do not take any responsibility so it is on your own to decide to use it or not).
What food will be served?
How comfortable is the ride?
What languages does your team speak?
Can I stay longer to see Tbilisi on my own?
Tell me about your horses
Can the itinerary change?
Important information
Cancellation of booking

Tour reviews

Based on 7 reviews
  • CM
    Camo Mille
    18 Sep, 2023
    about provider
    Ça faisait un an que j'attendais cette escapade et je n'ai pas été déçue ! Bienvenue en Touchetie, un coin de montagne exceptionnel, avec des paysages de moyenne et haute altitude, sauvages et préservés. Les chevaux sont super, à la fois costauds, gentils et prêts à affronter tous les terrains. Audrey, notre guide, est vraiment top, elle partage généreusement ses connaissances sur les chevaux et sur cette région de Géorgie. J'espère vraiment pouvoir la revoir quand elle reviendra en France ! Si vous êtes partants pour une aventure combinant haute montagne et équitation, n'hésitez pas !
    18 Sep, 2023
  • CL
    Cé Lia
    21 Jul, 2023
    about provider
    Début juillet, j'ai eu l'occasion de partir en une superbe excursion dans la belle région de la Touchétie. Nous avons exploré à cheval les montagnes sauvages, sillonnant entre crêtes et vallées, toujours émerveillés par les paysages époustouflants. Notre groupe a été parfaitement encadré du début à la fin, dans une atmosphère conviviale et authentique. C'était un séjour idéal pour se déconnecter et se plonger dans la nature la plus belle qui soit. Je recommande vivement de découvrir la Géorgie avec notre guide Audrey et ses fantastiques chevaux dans la région du Caucase.
    21 Jul, 2023
  • R
    19 Jul, 2022
    about provider
    Wow, what an amazing adventure!! For 9 days, we went on a riding trip through the Tusheti region of the Caucasus mountains, completely self sufficient. It was with Audrey, and let me tell you, it was something else! We explored tiny villages that you can only reach by horse or by foot. Then we delved even deeper into the Tusheti, crossing mountain passes and wandering into valleys where only a handful of shepherds and lucky folks like us, guided by Audrey, ever venture. The scenery with all those wildflowers and mountains was just breathtaking. And each campsite felt more perfect than the last. The mix of hiking and riding was spot on. If you're up for a challenging adventure in the mountains and you're in good shape, you'll absolutely love this ride. You gotta be nimble on those steep slopes and uneven ground, but that's part of the thrill! Audrey has been living amongst the Tush shepherds for years, and she really looks out for the local people. You can tell they adore her. Her positive attitude, enthusiasm and kindness really make the whole experience special. And her horses? They're like seasoned pros, handling every kind of terrain like champs. I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of this, and I can't recommend it enough. Thanks for showing me the real Tusheti, Audrey!! ❤️
    19 Jul, 2022

Dates and Prices

  • from
    2 – 14 Jul, 2025 13 days 12 nights
    Request to book
  • from
    20 Jul – 1 Aug, 2025 13 days 12 nights
    Request to book
  • from
    3 – 15 Aug, 2025 13 days 12 nights
    Request to book
  • from
    7 – 19 Sep, 2025 13 days 12 nights
    Request to book

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